Using WordPress ‘display_themes()’ PHP function

The display_theme() WordPress PHP function is used to print a theme on the Install Themes pages.


The function uses a theme object as a parameter. Here’s a basic example:

$theme = wp_get_theme(); // Get current theme
display_theme($theme); // Display current theme


  • $theme (WP_Theme object, Required): The theme object you want to display. You can get it using functions like wp_get_theme().

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: display_theme()

The function is part of the WordPress core and has been available since version 2.9.0. It is typically used in WordPress admin theme install pages.


Displaying Current Theme

In this example, we get the current theme and display it using display_theme().

$theme = wp_get_theme(); // Get current theme
display_theme($theme); // Display current theme

Displaying a Specific Theme

In this example, we display a specific theme by name using wp_get_theme() and display_theme().

$theme = wp_get_theme('twentytwentyone'); // Get specific theme
display_theme($theme); // Display the specific theme

Checking if a Theme Exists Before Displaying

In this example, we first check if a theme exists before trying to display it.

$theme_name = 'twentytwentyone';
if (wp_get_theme($theme_name)->exists()) { // Check if theme exists
    $theme = wp_get_theme($theme_name); // Get the theme
    display_theme($theme); // Display the theme

Displaying a Theme and Its Details

In this example, we display a theme and its details like Theme Name and Version.

$theme = wp_get_theme('twentytwentyone'); // Get specific theme
display_theme($theme); // Display the theme
echo 'Theme Name: ' . $theme->get('Name'); // Display Theme Name
echo 'Version: ' . $theme->get('Version'); // Display Theme Version

Switching Themes and Displaying the New Theme

In this example, we switch to a new theme and then display it.

$theme_name = 'twentytwentyone';
switch_theme($theme_name); // Switch to a new theme
$theme = wp_get_theme(); // Get current theme which is the new theme now
display_theme($theme); // Display the new theme