Using WordPress ‘do_robots’ PHP action

The do_robots WordPress PHP action fires when the template loader determines a robots.txt request.


add_action('do_robots', 'custom_robots_txt');

function custom_robots_txt() {
  // your custom code here


  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: do_robots


Add custom rules to robots.txt

To add custom rules to the robots.txt file, you can use the following code:

add_action('do_robots', 'add_custom_robots_txt_rules');

function add_custom_robots_txt_rules() {
  echo "Disallow: /private-area/\n";

Allow only specific user agents

If you want to allow only specific user agents to access your site, use this code:

add_action('do_robots', 'allow_specific_user_agents');

function allow_specific_user_agents() {
  echo "User-agent: Googlebot\n";
  echo "Allow: /\n";
  echo "\n";
  echo "User-agent: *\n";
  echo "Disallow: /\n";

Block specific user agents

To block specific user agents from accessing your site, use this code:

add_action('do_robots', 'block_specific_user_agents');

function block_specific_user_agents() {
  echo "User-agent: BadBot\n";
  echo "Disallow: /\n";

Disallow access to specific directories

If you want to disallow access to specific directories for all user agents, use this code:

add_action('do_robots', 'disallow_specific_directories');

function disallow_specific_directories() {
  echo "Disallow: /private/\n";
  echo "Disallow: /confidential/\n";

Disallow access to specific files

To disallow access to specific files for all user agents, use this code:

add_action('do_robots', 'disallow_specific_files');

function disallow_specific_files() {
  echo "Disallow: /private-file.pdf\n";

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