Using WordPress ‘drop_index()’ PHP function

The drop_index() WordPress PHP function is used to drop or remove a specified index from a database table.


To use the drop_index() function, you need to specify the name of the database table and the name of the index you want to drop. Here’s a custom example:

drop_index('wp_posts', 'idx_post_name');

In this example, the function will attempt to drop the index named “idx_post_name” from the “wp_posts” table.


  • $table (string) – The name of the database table from which the index should be dropped.
  • $index (string) – The name of the index to drop.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: drop_index()

This function is generally used when you want to modify the structure of a database table, for example, when the index is no longer necessary, or when it needs to be replaced with a different index.


Dropping an Index from the Users Table

In this example, we are dropping the ‘idx_user_login’ index from the ‘wp_users’ table.

drop_index('wp_users', 'idx_user_login');

Dropping an Index from the Posts Table

Here, we drop the ‘idx_post_status’ index from the ‘wp_posts’ table.

drop_index('wp_posts', 'idx_post_status');

Dropping an Index from the Comments Table

In this example, the ‘idx_comment_approved’ index is being dropped from the ‘wp_comments’ table.

drop_index('wp_comments', 'idx_comment_approved');

Here, we are removing the ‘idx_link_visible’ index from the ‘wp_links’ table.

drop_index('wp_links', 'idx_link_visible');

Dropping an Index from the Options Table

In this last example, we drop the ‘idx_option_name’ index from the ‘wp_options’ table.

drop_index('wp_options', 'idx_option_name');

Please remember that all these examples assume that the specified indices exist in their respective tables. You should always check whether an index exists before trying to drop it to avoid errors.