Using WordPress ‘dropdown_link_categories()’ PHP function

The dropdown_link_categories() WordPress PHP function is a legacy function used to generate a link categories checklist control. It’s no longer in active use but still exists in WordPress’ codebase.


A generic usage of the function might look like this:


Let’s say $default_link_category is set to 1. The function call would then look like:



  • $default_link_category (int): This is the ID of the default link category. In the current version of WordPress, this parameter is no longer used.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: dropdown_link_categories()

This function has been deprecated and replaced by wp_link_category_checklist(). It was implemented in an early version of WordPress and its source code can still be found in the core WordPress files.


In this example, we’re calling the function with a default category ID of 1.


This demonstrates what happens when you use an ID for a category that doesn’t exist. In this case, 9999.


This shows how the function responds to incorrect data types. Here, we’re using a string instead of an integer.


This example shows how the function behaves when called without any parameters.


This demonstrates the use of the function with a variable, which can be useful in dynamic situations.

$catID = 2;

Please note that while these examples are syntactically correct, dropdown_link_categories() is deprecated and these examples won’t produce meaningful results in modern WordPress environments. It’s always recommended to use the current functions provided by WordPress.