Using WordPress ‘edit_link()’ PHP function

The edit_link() WordPress PHP function is used to update or insert a link using values provided in $_POST.


To use the edit_link() function, you only need to pass the ID of the link you want to edit as a parameter. If no ID is provided, it defaults to 0. Here’s an example:

edit_link(123); // This will edit the link with ID 123


  • $link_id (int) – This is an optional parameter. It represents the ID of the link to edit. If no ID is provided, it defaults to 0.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: edit_link()


// Get the ID of the link to edit
$link_id = 123;

// Edit the link

This will edit the link with the ID of 123.

// Edit the default link

This will edit the link with the default ID of 0.

// Set the ID of the link to a variable
$link_id = $my_link_id;

// Edit the link

This will edit the link with the ID stored in the variable $my_link_id.

Using the Function within a Conditional

// Check if a certain condition is met
if ($condition) {
    // Edit the link

If the $condition is true, the link with the ID stored in $link_id will be edited.

// Loop through an array of link IDs
foreach ($link_ids as $link_id) {
    // Edit each link

This will edit each link in the $link_ids array.