Using WordPress ‘esc_xml’ PHP function

The esc_xml WordPress PHP function cleans and escapes a string for safe output in XML, by removing invalid or special characters and converting HTML named character references to their equivalent code points.


$text = 'Your <strong>text</strong> here';
$escaped_text = esc_xml($text);
// your custom code here
echo $escaped_text;


  • $safe_text (string): The text after it has been escaped.
  • $text (string): The text prior to being escaped.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: esc_xml


Escaping special characters in XML

This example escapes special characters in an XML element.

$text = 'Your <strong>text</strong> here';
$escaped_text = esc_xml($text);
echo '<element>' . $escaped_text . '</element>';

Escaping ampersands in URLs

This example escapes ampersands in a URL for use in an XML document.

$url = '';
$escaped_url = esc_xml($url);
echo '<url>' . $escaped_url . '</url>';

Escaping text in an XML attribute

This example escapes text for use as an XML attribute value.

$attribute_value = 'Text "with" quotes';
$escaped_attribute_value = esc_xml($attribute_value);
echo '<element attribute="' . $escaped_attribute_value . '"></element>';

Escaping text in an XML comment

This example escapes text for use in an XML comment.

$comment_text = 'This is a comment with <strong>HTML</strong> tags.';
$escaped_comment_text = esc_xml($comment_text);
echo '<!-- ' . $escaped_comment_text . ' -->';

Escaping text in a CDATA section

This example escapes text for use in a CDATA section of an XML document.

$cdata_text = 'This is some text with <strong>HTML</strong> tags.';
$escaped_cdata_text = esc_xml($cdata_text);
echo '<![CDATA[' . $escaped_cdata_text . ']]>';

Escaping XML in a custom function

This example demonstrates how to use the esc_xml filter in a custom function that generates an XML sitemap.

function generate_xml_sitemap() {
    $posts = get_posts();

    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
    echo '<urlset xmlns="">';

    foreach ($posts as $post) {
        $title = esc_xml($post->post_title);
        $content = esc_xml($post->post_content);

        echo '<url>';
        echo '<loc>' . get_permalink($post) . '</loc>';
        echo '<title>' . $title . '</title>';
        echo '<content>' . $content . '</content>';
        echo '</url>';

    echo '</urlset>';

Escaping special characters in a user-generated XML feed

This example escapes special characters in user-generated content for an XML feed.

function output_user_feed() {
    $user_content = get_user_content();

    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
    echo '<feed>';

    foreach ($user_content as $item) {
        $title = apply_filters('esc_xml', $item['title']);
        $description = apply_filters('esc_xml', $item['description']);

        echo '<item>';
        echo '<title>' . $title . '</title>';
        echo '<description>' . $description . '</description>';
        echo '</item>';

    echo '</feed>';

Escaping XML in an AJAX response

This example escapes XML in an AJAX response to ensure it’s safely returned to the client.

function process_ajax_request() {
    $response_data = array(
        'message' => 'Your <strong>request</strong> has been processed.',
        'result' => 'success'

    $response_data['message'] = apply_filters('esc_xml', $response_data['message']);

    header('Content-Type: text/xml');
    echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
    echo '<response>';
    echo '<message>' . $response_data['message'] . '</message>';
    echo '<result>' . $response_data['result'] . '</result>';
    echo '</response>';

Escaping XML in custom plugin options

This example escapes XML in custom plugin options before saving them to the database.

function save_plugin_options() {
    $options = array(
        'custom_text' => $_POST['custom_text'],
        'custom_url' => $_POST['custom_url']

    $options['custom_text'] = esc_xml($options['custom_text']);
    $options['custom_url'] = esc_xml($options['custom_url']);

    update_option('my_plugin_options', $options);

Remove extra spaces from XML text

This code removes extra spaces from the text before escaping it for XML output.

function remove_extra_spaces($safe_text, $text) {
    $trimmed_text = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $text);
    return esc_xml($trimmed_text);
add_filter('esc_xml', 'remove_extra_spaces', 10, 2);

Replace specific words in XML text

This code replaces specific words in the text before escaping it for XML output.

function replace_words($safe_text, $text) {
    $replacements = array(
        'oldWord' => 'newWord',
        'anotherOldWord' => 'anotherNewWord'
    $updated_text = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $text);
    return esc_xml($updated_text);
add_filter('esc_xml', 'replace_words', 10, 2);

Convert text to uppercase

This code converts the text to uppercase before escaping it for XML output.

function convert_to_uppercase($safe_text, $text) {
    $uppercase_text = strtoupper($text);
    return esc_xml($uppercase_text);
add_filter('esc_xml', 'convert_to_uppercase', 10, 2);

Add a prefix to XML text

This code adds a prefix to the text before escaping it for XML output.

function add_prefix($safe_text, $text) {
    $prefix = 'Prefix: ';
    $prefixed_text = $prefix . $text;
    return esc_xml($prefixed_text);
add_filter('esc_xml', 'add_prefix', 10, 2);

Remove all numbers from XML text

This code removes all numbers from the text before escaping it for XML output.

function remove_numbers($safe_text, $text) {
    $text_without_numbers = preg_replace('/\d/', '', $text);
    return esc_xml($text_without_numbers);
add_filter('esc_xml', 'remove_numbers', 10, 2);