Using WordPress ‘feed_links_extra()’ PHP function

The feed_links_extra() WordPress PHP function displays links to the extra feeds, such as category feeds.


Here’s a generic example of how to use the function:

feed_links_extra(array('cat' => 1));

This will display links to the RSS feed of category with ID 1.


  • $args (array) – Optional. The array of arguments you want to pass. Default: array()

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: feed_links_extra

The feed_links_extra() function was implemented in WordPress version 2.8.0.


In this example, we will display the extra feed links for a category with the ID of 3.

// Display extra feed links for Category ID 3
feed_links_extra(array('cat' => 3));

Here, we display the extra feed links for categories with the IDs 2, 5, and 9.

// Display extra feed links for Category IDs 2, 5, and 9
feed_links_extra(array('cat' => array(2,5,9)));

In this case, we display the extra feed links without any specific category.

// Display extra feed links without any specific category

Display Extra Feed Links for a Specific Post

This example displays the extra feed links for a post with the ID of 7.

// Display extra feed links for Post ID 7
feed_links_extra(array('p' => 7));

Lastly, we display the extra feed links for a page with the ID of 10.

// Display extra feed links for Page ID 10
feed_links_extra(array('page_id' => 10));