Using WordPress ‘filter_SSL()’ PHP function

The filter_SSL() WordPress PHP function formats a URL to use https. It can be particularly useful when you need to ensure that a specific URL is always accessed securely.


You can use this function to convert a given URL to its https version. Here’s a generic example:

$url = "";
$secure_url = filter_SSL($url);
echo $secure_url; // Outputs:


  • $url (string): The URL that needs to be converted to https.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: filter_SSL()

Please note that the filter_SSL() function is not natively available in WordPress. It’s a custom function that you can create in your theme or plugin. It’s a common practice to create such a function when you need to enforce https on specific URLs.


Changing a website URL to https

If your website has been recently moved to https and you have a URL stored in your database, you can use filter_SSL() to ensure the URL is accessed securely.

// Assume you have a URL from the database
$db_url = "";

// Use the filter_SSL function to convert it to https
$secure_db_url = filter_SSL($db_url);

// Now, you can use the secure URL for any purpose
echo $secure_db_url; // Outputs:

When creating links to other pages on your site, use filter_SSL() to ensure they’re always accessed securely.

// Assume you have a relative URL to a page on your site
$relative_url = "/about-us";

// Generate the full URL
$full_url = "" . $relative_url;

// Use the filter_SSL function to convert it to https
$secure_url = filter_SSL($full_url);

// Now, you can use the secure URL in your HTML
echo '<a href="' . $secure_url . '">About Us</a>'; // Outputs: <a href="">About Us</a>

Converting URLs in an array

If you have an array of URLs that need to be converted to https, you can use filter_SSL() with array_map().

// Assume you have an array of URLs
$urls = ["", "", ""];

// Use array_map with filter_SSL to convert all URLs to https
$secure_urls = array_map('filter_SSL', $urls);

// Now, all URLs in $secure_urls are https
/* Outputs:
    [0] =>
    [1] =>
    [2] =>

Working with URLs from a form submission

If you’re handling a form submission that includes a URL, use filter_SSL() to ensure the URL is secure before storing it in the database.

// Assume $_POST['website'] contains a URL from a form submission
$submitted_url = $_POST['website'];

// Use the filter_SSL function to convert it to https
$secure_url = filter_SSL($submitted_url);

// Now, you can store $secure_url in the database