Using WordPress ‘force_balance_tags()’ PHP function

The force_balance_tags() WordPress PHP function balances the HTML tags in a given string of text. This function ensures that all opened HTML tags in the text are properly closed.


Here’s a basic usage of the function:

$text = "<b>Some text";
$balanced_text = force_balance_tags($text);

In the above code, $balanced_text will return <b>Some text</b>, as the function adds a closing </b> tag to balance the initially opened <b> tag.


  • $text (string) – The text in which HTML tags are to be balanced.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: force_balance_tags()
This function has been available since WordPress version 2.0.4. No depreciation has been noted up until now.


Balancing Simple Text

In this example, we have a text string with a missing closing tag for the bold element (<b>).

$text = "<b>Some bold text";
$balanced_text = force_balance_tags($text);
// The output will be "<b>Some bold text</b>"

Nested Tags

When there are nested tags, force_balance_tags() can balance those as well.

$text = "<div><p>Some text";
$balanced_text = force_balance_tags($text);
// The output will be "<div><p>Some text</p></div>"

Multiple Unbalanced Tags

When there are multiple unbalanced tags, force_balance_tags() can handle them all.

$text = "<div><p>Some text<b>Bold text";
$balanced_text = force_balance_tags($text);
// The output will be "<div><p>Some text<b>Bold text</b></p></div>"

Self-closing Tags

force_balance_tags() does not affect self-closing tags.

$text = "<div><img src='image.jpg'>";
$balanced_text = force_balance_tags($text);
// The output will be "<div><img src='image.jpg'></div>"

No Tags

If there are no tags in the string, force_balance_tags() does not alter the string.

$text = "Just some text";
$balanced_text = force_balance_tags($text);
// The output will be "Just some text"