Using WordPress ‘get_others_pending()’ PHP function

The get_others_pending() WordPress PHP function retrieves a list of pending review posts from other users.


get_others_pending( $user_id );


  • $user_id (int): Required user ID for which you want to retrieve pending review posts.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_others_pending()


Get pending review posts for a specific user

Retrieve pending review posts for user with ID 3.

$user_id = 3;
$pending_posts = get_others_pending($user_id);

Display pending review posts with title and author

Get pending review posts and display the post title and author name.

$user_id = 3;
$pending_posts = get_others_pending($user_id);

foreach ($pending_posts as $post) {
    echo "Title: " . $post->post_title . " | Author: " . get_the_author_meta('display_name', $post->post_author) . "<br>";

Get pending review posts and display in a bulleted list

Retrieve pending review posts and display them in an unordered list.

$user_id = 3;
$pending_posts = get_others_pending($user_id);

echo "<ul>";
foreach ($pending_posts as $post) {
    echo "<li>" . $post->post_title . "</li>";
echo "</ul>";

Count pending review posts from other users

Get the total number of pending review posts from other users.

$user_id = 3;
$pending_posts = get_others_pending($user_id);
$total_pending = count($pending_posts);

echo "Total pending review posts: " . $total_pending;

Check if a user has pending review posts

Determine if a user has any pending review posts.

$user_id = 3;
$pending_posts = get_others_pending($user_id);

if (!empty($pending_posts)) {
    echo "User has pending review posts.";
} else {
    echo "User has no pending review posts.";