Using WordPress ‘get_post_embed_url()’ PHP function

The get_post_embed_url() WordPress PHP function retrieves the URL to embed a specific post in an iframe.


get_post_embed_url( $post );



echo get_post_embed_url( 42 );



  • $post (int|WP_Post): Optional. Post ID or object. Defaults to the current post. Default value: null.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_post_embed_url()


Embedding the current post

Retrieve the embed URL for the current post and display it in an iframe.

// Get the embed URL for the current post
$embed_url = get_post_embed_url();
// Display the embed URL in an iframe
echo '<iframe src="' . esc_url( $embed_url ) . '" width="600" height="400" frameborder="0"></iframe>';

Embedding a specific post by ID

Retrieve the embed URL for a specific post using its ID and display it in an iframe.

// Post ID
$post_id = 42;

// Get the embed URL for the specific post $embed_url = get_post_embed_url( $post_id );

// Display the embed URL in an iframe echo '<iframe src="' . esc_url( $embed_url ) . '" width="600" height="400" frameborder="0"></iframe>';

Embedding a post using a WP_Post object

Retrieve the embed URL for a specific post using a WP_Post object and display it in an iframe.

// Get the WP_Post object for a specific post ID
$post_object = get_post( 42 );
// Get the embed URL using the WP_Post object
$embed_url = get_post_embed_url( $post_object );

// Display the embed URL in an iframe echo '<iframe src="' . esc_url( $embed_url ) . '" width="600" height="400" frameborder="0"></iframe>';

Displaying multiple post embed URLs

Loop through an array of post IDs and display their embed URLs in iframes.

// Array of post IDs
$post_ids = array( 42, 56, 89 );
// Loop through the post IDs
foreach ( $post_ids as $post_id ) {
// Get the embed URL for each post
$embed_url = get_post_embed_url( $post_id );

// Display the embed URL in an iframe echo '&lt;iframe src="' . esc_url( $embed_url ) . '" width="600" height="400" frameborder="0"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;'; }

Embedding a post in a template file

In a template file (e.g., single.php), retrieve the embed URL for the current post and display it in an iframe.

// Get the embed URL for the current post
$embed_url = get_post_embed_url();
// Display the embed URL in an iframe
echo '<iframe src="' . esc_url( $embed_url ) . '" width="100%" height="400" frameborder="0"></iframe>';