Using WordPress ‘get_settings()’ PHP function

The get_settings() WordPress PHP function retrieves the value of a specific option or setting.


To use the function, simply call get_settings('option_name'). Here’s a custom example:

$site_title = get_settings('blogname');
echo "The site title is: " . $site_title;


  • $option (string) – Required. The name of the option or setting you want to retrieve.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_settings()

Important: The get_settings() function is an alias for get_option(). It is recommended to use get_option() instead.


Get the site title

This example shows how to get the site title using get_settings().

$site_title = get_settings('blogname');
echo "The site title is: " . $site_title;

Get the site description

This example shows how to get the site description using get_settings().

$site_description = get_settings('blogdescription');
echo "The site description is: " . $site_description;

Get the site’s admin email

This example shows how to get the admin email using get_settings().

$admin_email = get_settings('admin_email');
echo "The admin email is: " . $admin_email;

Get the site’s posts per page

This example shows how to get the number of posts displayed per page using get_settings().

$posts_per_page = get_settings('posts_per_page');
echo "The number of posts per page is: " . $posts_per_page;

Get the site’s default category

This example shows how to get the default category for new posts using get_settings().

$default_category = get_settings('default_category');
echo "The default category for new posts is: " . $default_category;