Using WordPress ‘get_space_allowed()’ PHP function

The get_space_allowed() WordPress PHP function returns the upload quota for the current blog.


To get the upload space allowed for the current blog:

$allowed_space = get_space_allowed();


  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_space_allowed()


Display the allowed upload space

Display the allowed upload space in a human-readable format.

// Get the allowed space
$allowed_space = get_space_allowed();

// Convert to a readable format
$allowed_space_readable = size_format($allowed_space * 1024 * 1024);

echo "Allowed upload space: " . $allowed_space_readable;

Check if there is enough space to upload a file

Check if a file can be uploaded, given its size.

function can_upload_file($file_size) {
  $allowed_space = get_space_allowed() * 1024 * 1024;
  return $file_size <= $allowed_space;

Display a message if the upload limit is reached

Show a message to users when the allowed upload space has been reached.

// Get the allowed space and used space
$allowed_space = get_space_allowed() * 1024 * 1024;
$used_space = get_space_used() * 1024 * 1024;

// Check if the limit is reached
if ($used_space >= $allowed_space) {
  echo "You have reached your upload limit.";

Calculate the remaining upload space

Calculate and display the remaining upload space for the current blog.

// Get the allowed space and used space
$allowed_space = get_space_allowed() * 1024 * 1024;
$used_space = get_space_used() * 1024 * 1024;

// Calculate the remaining space
$remaining_space = $allowed_space - $used_space;

// Display the remaining space in a readable format
echo "Remaining upload space: " . size_format($remaining_space);

Increase the allowed upload space

Increase the allowed upload space for the current blog by a certain amount.

function increase_allowed_space($additional_space) {
  $current_space = get_space_allowed();
  $new_space = $current_space + $additional_space;
  update_option('blog_upload_space', $new_space);