Using WordPress ‘get_user_count()’ PHP function

The get_user_count() WordPress PHP function returns the number of active users in your installation.


To get the number of active users and display a message:

$user_count = get_user_count();
echo "There are currently $user_count users on this site.";


  • $network_id (int|null): Optional ID of the network. Defaults to the current network. Default: null

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_user_count()


Display User Count in Dashboard Widget

Create a dashboard widget to display the user count:

function display_user_count_dashboard_widget() {
  $user_count = get_user_count();
  echo "<strong>There are currently $user_count users on this site.</strong>";

function register_user_count_dashboard_widget() {
    'User Count',
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'register_user_count_dashboard_widget');

Display User Count in Admin Bar

Add the user count to the admin bar:

function add_user_count_to_admin_bar($wp_admin_bar) {
  $user_count = get_user_count();
    'id' => 'user_count',
    'title' => "Users: $user_count"
add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'add_user_count_to_admin_bar', 100);

Display User Count in a Shortcode

Create a shortcode to display the user count:

function user_count_shortcode() {
  $user_count = get_user_count();
  return "There are currently $user_count users on this site.";
add_shortcode('user_count', 'user_count_shortcode');

Usage: [user_count]

Display User Count in a Widget

Create a widget to display the user count:

class User_Count_Widget extends WP_Widget {
  function __construct() {
      'User Count',
      array('description' => 'Displays the number of active users')

  function widget($args, $instance) {
    $user_count = get_user_count();
    echo $args['before_widget'];
    echo $args['before_title'] . 'User Count' . $args['after_title'];
    echo "<strong>There are currently $user_count users on this site.</strong>";
    echo $args['after_widget'];
add_action('widgets_init', function() {

Display User Count in a Gutenberg Block

Register a Gutenberg block to display the user count:

function register_user_count_block() {
    plugins_url('block.js', __FILE__),
    array('wp-blocks', 'wp-element')

  register_block_type('custom/user-count', array(
    'editor_script' => 'user-count-block'
add_action('init', 'register_user_count_block');

In block.js:

const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;

registerBlockType('custom/user-count', {
  title: 'User Count',
  icon: 'admin-users',
  category: 'common',
  edit: () => {
    return <p>Loading user count...</p>;
  save: () => {
    return null;