The install_themes_table_api_args_{$tab} WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the API request arguments for each Install Themes screen tab in the WordPress admin area.
add_filter('install_themes_table_api_args_{$tab}', 'my_custom_function'); function my_custom_function($args) { // your custom code here return $args; }
- $args (array|false): Theme install API arguments.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: install_themes_table_api_args_{$tab}
Modify the search results on the Install Themes screen
This example changes the number of themes shown in the search results tab.
add_filter('install_themes_table_api_args_search', 'change_search_results_count'); function change_search_results_count($args) { $args['per_page'] = 15; // Set the number of themes per page to 15 return $args; }
Filter featured themes
This example filters the featured themes to only show themes with a specific tag.
add_filter('install_themes_table_api_args_featured', 'filter_featured_themes'); function filter_featured_themes($args) { $args['tag'] = 'minimal'; // Show only themes with the 'minimal' tag return $args; }
Change the sort order for the updated themes tab
This example changes the sort order for the updated themes tab to show themes sorted by rating.
add_filter('install_themes_table_api_args_updated', 'change_updated_themes_order'); function change_updated_themes_order($args) { $args['orderby'] = 'rating'; // Sort themes by rating return $args; }
Limit the number of themes in the new themes tab
This example limits the number of themes shown in the new themes tab to 5.
add_filter('install_themes_table_api_args_new', 'limit_new_themes_count'); function limit_new_themes_count($args) { $args['per_page'] = 5; // Show only 5 themes per page return $args; }
Add a custom tab to the Install Themes screen
This example adds a custom tab with themes that have a specific tag.
add_filter('install_themes_tabs', 'add_custom_theme_tab'); add_filter('install_themes_table_api_args_custom', 'show_custom_theme_tab'); function add_custom_theme_tab($tabs) { $tabs['custom'] = __('Custom', 'textdomain'); // Add custom tab return $tabs; } function show_custom_theme_tab($args) { $args['tag'] = 'custom-tag'; // Show themes with the 'custom-tag' tag return $args; }