Using WordPress ‘is_robots()’ PHP function

The is_robots() WordPress PHP function checks if the current query is for the robots.txt file.


To use the function, simply call it within your theme or plugin file:

if (is_robots()) {
  // Do something if the current query is for the robots.txt file.


  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: is_robots()


Display a message when the current query is for the robots.txt file

if (is_robots()) {
  echo 'The current query is for the robots.txt file.';

Add custom rules to the robots.txt file using the do_robots action

function custom_robots_rules() {
  if (is_robots()) {
    echo "Disallow: /private/";
add_action('do_robots', 'custom_robots_rules');

Disable a plugin’s functionality on the robots.txt file

if (is_robots()) {
  remove_action('wp_head', 'plugin_function_name');

Set a different cache duration for the robots.txt file

function set_cache_duration($duration) {
  if (is_robots()) {
    return 3600 * 24; // 1 day
  return $duration;
add_filter('wp_cache_time', 'set_cache_duration');

Redirect the robots.txt file to a custom location

function redirect_robots_txt() {
  if (is_robots()) {
add_action('template_redirect', 'redirect_robots_txt');