Using WordPress ‘kses_init()’ PHP function

The kses_init() WordPress PHP function sets up most of the KSES filters for input form content. It first removes all of the KSES filters in case the current user does not need to have KSES filter the content. If the user does not have unfiltered_html capability, then KSES filters are added.




  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: kses_init()


Basic usage of kses_init()

In this example, we use kses_init() before saving the content to the database.

// Add KSES filters before saving content

// Save content to the database
$content = '<script>alert("Hello!");</script>';
$filtered_content = wp_kses_post($content);

Disabling KSES filters for admin users

In this example, we disable KSES filters for users with the unfiltered_html capability.

// Check if the user has unfiltered_html capability
if (current_user_can('unfiltered_html')) {
    // Remove KSES filters
} else {
    // Add KSES filters

Using kses_init() with a custom text area

In this example, we use kses_init() to filter content from a custom text area in a form.

// Add KSES filters before processing the content

// Get content from a custom text area
$content = $_POST['custom_textarea'];

// Apply KSES filters to the content
$filtered_content = wp_kses_post($content);

Using kses_init() with a custom filter

In this example, we use kses_init() to set up KSES filters and then add a custom filter for content.

// Add KSES filters

// Add a custom filter
function custom_kses_filter($content) {
    // Filter content here
    return $content;
add_filter('content_save_pre', 'custom_kses_filter');

// Save content to the database
$content = '<script>alert("Hello!");</script>';
$filtered_content = wp_kses_post($content);

Using kses_init() in a plugin

In this example, we create a simple plugin that uses kses_init() to filter content.

Plugin Name: KSES Example Plugin
Description: A plugin that uses kses_init() to filter content.

function kses_example_plugin_init() {
    // Add KSES filters
add_action('init', 'kses_example_plugin_init');