Using WordPress ‘list_terms_exclusions’ PHP filter

The list_terms_exclusions WordPress PHP Filter allows you to modify the terms that are excluded from a terms query.


add_filter('list_terms_exclusions', 'your_custom_function', 10, 3);

function your_custom_function($exclusions, $args, $taxonomies) {
    // Your custom code here

    return $exclusions;


  • $exclusions (string) – The “NOT IN” clause of the terms query.
  • $args (array) – An array of terms query arguments.
  • $taxonomies (string[]) – An array of taxonomy names.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: list_terms_exclusions


Exclude terms with specific IDs

Exclude terms with the IDs 3, 5, and 7 from the terms query.

add_filter('list_terms_exclusions', 'exclude_specific_terms', 10, 3);

function exclude_specific_terms($exclusions, $args, $taxonomies) {
    $excluded_ids = array(3, 5, 7);
    $exclusions .= ' AND t.term_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $excluded_ids) . ')';
    return $exclusions;

Exclude terms with less than 5 posts

Exclude terms that have less than 5 posts associated with them.

add_filter('list_terms_exclusions', 'exclude_terms_with_few_posts', 10, 3);

function exclude_terms_with_few_posts($exclusions, $args, $taxonomies) {
    $exclusions .= ' AND tt.count >= 5';
    return $exclusions;

Exclude terms with a specific slug

Exclude terms with the slug “uncategorized” from the terms query.

add_filter('list_terms_exclusions', 'exclude_terms_with_slug', 10, 3);

function exclude_terms_with_slug($exclusions, $args, $taxonomies) {
    $exclusions .= " AND t.slug != 'uncategorized'";
    return $exclusions;

Exclude terms not assigned to any post

Exclude terms that are not assigned to any post.

add_filter('list_terms_exclusions', 'exclude_unassigned_terms', 10, 3);

function exclude_unassigned_terms($exclusions, $args, $taxonomies) {
    $exclusions .= ' AND tt.count > 0';
    return $exclusions;

Exclude terms from a specific taxonomy

Exclude terms from the “post_tag” taxonomy.

add_filter('list_terms_exclusions', 'exclude_terms_from_taxonomy', 10, 3);
function exclude_terms_from_taxonomy($exclusions, $args, $taxonomies) {
    if (in_array('post_tag', $taxonomies)) {
        $exclusions .= " AND tt.taxonomy != 'post_tag'";
    return $exclusions;