Using WordPress ‘login_site_html_link’ PHP filter

The login_site_html_link WordPress PHP Filter allows you to modify the “Go to site” link displayed in the login page footer.


add_filter('login_site_html_link', 'your_custom_function');
function your_custom_function($link) {
    // your custom code here
    return $link;


  • $link (string): HTML link to the home URL of the current site.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: login_site_html_link


Change the “Go to site” link text to “Return to Homepage”.

add_filter('login_site_html_link', 'change_site_link_text');
function change_site_link_text($link) {
    $link = str_replace('Go to site', 'Return to Homepage', $link);
    return $link;

Add a custom CSS class custom-link to the “Go to site” link.

add_filter('login_site_html_link', 'add_custom_css_class');
function add_custom_css_class($link) {
    $link = str_replace('<a ', '<a class="custom-link" ', $link);
    return $link;

Make the “Go to site” link open in a new browser tab.

add_filter('login_site_html_link', 'open_link_in_new_tab');
function open_link_in_new_tab($link) {
    $link = str_replace('<a ', '<a target="_blank" ', $link);
    return $link;

Change the “Go to site” link URL to a custom URL, such as

add_filter('login_site_html_link', 'change_site_link_url');
function change_site_link_url($link) {
    $new_url = '';
    $link = preg_replace('/href="[^"]+"/', 'href="' . $new_url . '"', $link);
    return $link;

Remove the “Go to site” link from the login page footer.

add_filter('login_site_html_link', 'remove_site_link');
function remove_site_link($link) {
    return '';