Using WordPress ‘lost_password_html_link’ PHP filter

The lost_password_html_link WordPress PHP Filter allows you to modify the link for users to reset their lost password.


add_filter('lost_password_html_link', 'your_custom_function', 10, 1);
function your_custom_function($html_link) {
    // your custom code here
    return $html_link;


  • $html_link (string): The HTML link to the lost password form.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: lost_password_html_link


Customize the lost password link text.

add_filter('lost_password_html_link', 'change_lost_password_link_text', 10, 1);
function change_lost_password_link_text($html_link) {
    return str_replace('Lost your password?', 'Forgot your password? Click here!', $html_link);

Add a custom CSS class to the lost password link.

add_filter('lost_password_html_link', 'add_custom_class_lost_password_link', 10, 1);
function add_custom_class_lost_password_link($html_link) {
    return str_replace('<a', '<a class="custom-class"', $html_link);

Change the URL for the lost password link to a custom URL.

add_filter('lost_password_html_link', 'change_lost_password_link_url', 10, 1);
function change_lost_password_link_url($html_link) {
    return preg_replace('/href="([^"]+)"/', 'href=""', $html_link);

Add a font-awesome icon to the lost password link.

add_filter('lost_password_html_link', 'add_icon_to_lost_password_link', 10, 1);
function add_icon_to_lost_password_link($html_link) {
    return str_replace('Lost your password?', '<i class="fas fa-key"></i> Lost your password?', $html_link);

Completely remove the lost password link.

add_filter('lost_password_html_link', 'remove_lost_password_link', 10, 1);
function remove_lost_password_link($html_link) {
    return '';