The network_edit_site_nav_links WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the links that appear on site-editing network pages.
add_filter('network_edit_site_nav_links', 'your_custom_function'); function your_custom_function($links) { // your custom code here return $links; }
- $links (array) – An array of link data representing individual network admin pages.
- link_slug (array) – An array of information about the individual link to a page.
- $label (string) – Label to use for the link.
- $url (string) – URL, relative to network_admin_url(), to use for the link.
- $cap (string) – Capability required to see the link.
- link_slug (array) – An array of information about the individual link to a page.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: network_edit_site_nav_links
Add a custom link to the site-editing network page
This example adds a new link to the site-editing network page with the label “Custom Link” and a URL to the custom page.
add_filter('network_edit_site_nav_links', 'add_custom_link'); function add_custom_link($links) { $links['custom-link'] = array( 'label' => __('Custom Link'), 'url' => 'your-custom-page.php', 'cap' => 'manage_options' ); return $links; }
Remove the ‘site-themes’ link from the site-editing network page
This example removes the ‘site-themes’ link from the site-editing network page.
add_filter('network_edit_site_nav_links', 'remove_site_themes_link'); function remove_site_themes_link($links) { unset($links['site-themes']); return $links; }
Change the label of ‘site-info’ link on the site-editing network page
This example changes the label of the ‘site-info’ link to “Site Information”.
add_filter('network_edit_site_nav_links', 'change_site_info_label'); function change_site_info_label($links) { $links['site-info']['label'] = __('Site Information'); return $links; }
Change the capability required to see the ‘site-settings’ link
This example changes the capability required to see the ‘site-settings’ link to ‘manage_network’.
add_filter('network_edit_site_nav_links', 'change_site_settings_capability'); function change_site_settings_capability($links) { $links['site-settings']['cap'] = 'manage_network'; return $links; }
Rearrange the order of the links on the site-editing network page
This example rearranges the order of the links by moving the ‘site-themes’ link to the end.
add_filter('network_edit_site_nav_links', 'rearrange_links'); function rearrange_links($links) { $site_themes = $links['site-themes']; unset($links['site-themes']); $links['site-themes'] = $site_themes; return $links; }