Using WordPress ‘plugins_auto_update_enabled’ PHP filter

The plugins_auto_update_enabled WordPress PHP filter allows you to control whether plugins auto-update is enabled or not.


add_filter('plugins_auto_update_enabled', 'your_custom_function');
function your_custom_function($enabled) {
  // your custom code here
  return $enabled;


  • $enabled (bool) – True if plugins auto-update is enabled, false otherwise.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: plugins_auto_update_enabled


Disable auto-updates for all plugins

This code snippet disables auto-updates for all plugins.

add_filter('plugins_auto_update_enabled', '__return_false');

Enable auto-updates for all plugins

This code snippet enables auto-updates for all plugins.

add_filter('plugins_auto_update_enabled', '__return_true');

Enable auto-updates only for specific plugins

This code snippet enables auto-updates only for plugins with the specified slugs.

add_filter('plugins_auto_update_enabled', 'enable_specific_plugins_auto_update', 10, 2);
function enable_specific_plugins_auto_update($enabled, $plugin) {
  $plugins_to_update = array('plugin-slug-1', 'plugin-slug-2');
  if (in_array($plugin, $plugins_to_update)) {
    return true;
  return $enabled;

Disable auto-updates for specific plugins

This code snippet disables auto-updates for plugins with the specified slugs.

add_filter('plugins_auto_update_enabled', 'disable_specific_plugins_auto_update', 10, 2);
function disable_specific_plugins_auto_update($enabled, $plugin) {
  $plugins_to_exclude = array('plugin-slug-1', 'plugin-slug-2');
  if (in_array($plugin, $plugins_to_exclude)) {
    return false;
  return $enabled;

Enable auto-updates for all plugins except specific ones

This code snippet enables auto-updates for all plugins except the ones with specified slugs.

add_filter('plugins_auto_update_enabled', 'enable_all_except_specific_plugins_auto_update', 10, 2);
function enable_all_except_specific_plugins_auto_update($enabled, $plugin) {
  $plugins_to_exclude = array('plugin-slug-1', 'plugin-slug-2');
  if (in_array($plugin, $plugins_to_exclude)) {
    return false;
  return true;