Using WordPress ‘post_locked_dialog’ PHP action

The post_locked_dialog WordPress PHP action fires inside the post locked dialog before the buttons are displayed.


add_action('post_locked_dialog', 'your_custom_function', 10, 2);

function your_custom_function($post, $user) {
    // your custom code here


  • $post (WP_Post) – Post object.
  • $user (WP_User) – The user with the lock for the post.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: post_locked_dialog


Display a custom message in the post locked dialog

This example adds a custom message to the post locked dialog.

add_action('post_locked_dialog', 'display_custom_message', 10, 2);

function display_custom_message($post, $user) {
    echo '<p><strong>Note:</strong> Please coordinate with ' . esc_html($user->display_name) . ' before editing this post.</p>';

Show the locked user’s email

This example displays the email address of the user who locked the post.

add_action('post_locked_dialog', 'show_locked_user_email', 10, 2);

function show_locked_user_email($post, $user) {
    echo '<p>Email of user who locked the post: ' . esc_html($user->user_email) . '</p>';

Display the time the post was locked

This example shows the time when the post was locked by the user.

add_action('post_locked_dialog', 'display_locked_time', 10, 2);

function display_locked_time($post, $user) {
    $lock_time = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_edit_lock', true);
    if ($lock_time) {
        $lock_time = date('F j, Y, g:i a', $lock_time);
        echo '<p>Post was locked on: ' . esc_html($lock_time) . '</p>';

This example adds a link to the profile of the user who locked the post.

add_action('post_locked_dialog', 'link_to_locked_user_profile', 10, 2);

function link_to_locked_user_profile($post, $user) {
    $profile_url = get_author_posts_url($user->ID);
    echo '<p><a href="' . esc_url($profile_url) . '">View ' . esc_html($user->display_name) . '\'s profile</a></p>';

Add a custom CSS class to the post locked dialog

This example adds a custom CSS class to the post locked dialog for styling purposes.

add_action('post_locked_dialog', 'add_custom_css_class', 10, 2);

function add_custom_css_class($post, $user) {
    echo '<style>.wp-core-ui .notification-dialog { background-color: #f7f7f7; }</style>';