Using WordPress ‘pre_get_network_by_path’ PHP filter

pre_get_network_by_path is a WordPress PHP filter that allows you to short-circuit the default logic used to determine a network by its domain and path. This can be helpful for optimizing your setup or customizing the network retrieval process.


add_filter('pre_get_network_by_path', 'your_custom_function', 10, 5);

function your_custom_function($network, $domain, $path, $segments, $paths) {
    // your custom code here
    return $network;


  • $network null|false|WP_Network: Network value to return by path. Default null to continue retrieving the network.
  • $domain string: The requested domain.
  • $path string: The requested path, in full.
  • $segments int|null: The suggested number of paths to consult. Default null, meaning the entire path was to be consulted.
  • $paths string[]: Array of paths to search for, based on $path and $segments.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: pre_get_network_by_path


Bypassing network retrieval for a specific domain

If you want to bypass network retrieval for a specific domain, you can use the following code:

add_filter('pre_get_network_by_path', 'bypass_network_retrieval', 10, 5);

function bypass_network_retrieval($network, $domain, $path, $segments, $paths) {
    if ($domain === '') {
        return false;
    return $network;

Custom logic for network retrieval

Implement custom logic for network retrieval by replacing the default logic with your own:

add_filter('pre_get_network_by_path', 'custom_network_retrieval', 10, 5);

function custom_network_retrieval($network, $domain, $path, $segments, $paths) {
    // Implement your custom logic here
    if (/* your custom condition */) {
        return wp_get_network(/* your custom arguments */);
    return $network;

Retrieve network from cache

Retrieve the network from cache to optimize performance:

add_filter('pre_get_network_by_path', 'retrieve_network_from_cache', 10, 5);

function retrieve_network_from_cache($network, $domain, $path, $segments, $paths) {
    $cached_network = get_network_from_cache($domain, $path);
    if ($cached_network) {
        return $cached_network;
    return $network;

Logging network retrieval requests

Log network retrieval requests for debugging or analysis purposes:

add_filter('pre_get_network_by_path', 'log_network_retrieval', 10, 5);

function log_network_retrieval($network, $domain, $path, $segments, $paths) {
    error_log("Network retrieval request: domain: $domain, path: $path");
    return $network;

Modify the number of path segments

Modify the number of path segments to consult based on specific conditions:

add_filter('pre_get_network_by_path', 'modify_path_segments', 10, 5);

function modify_path_segments($network, $domain, $path, $segments, $paths) {
    if (/* your custom condition */) {
        $segments = 2; // Change the number of path segments to consult
    return $network;