The the_title WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the post title before it is displayed on the screen.
add_filter('the_title', 'your_custom_function', 10, 2); function your_custom_function($post_title, $post_id) { // your custom code here return $post_title; }
string: The post title.$post_id
int: The post ID.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: the_title
Changing the title for a specific post
add_filter('the_title', 'change_specific_post_title', 10, 2); function change_specific_post_title($post_title, $post_id) { if ($post_id == 42) { $post_title = 'Custom Title for Post 42'; } return $post_title; }
Adding a prefix to all post titles
add_filter('the_title', 'add_title_prefix', 10, 2); function add_title_prefix($post_title, $post_id) { $post_title = 'Prefix - ' . $post_title; return $post_title; }
Uppercasing all post titles
add_filter('the_title', 'uppercase_titles', 10, 2); function uppercase_titles($post_title, $post_id) { $post_title = strtoupper($post_title); return $post_title; }
Replacing a word in all post titles
add_filter('the_title', 'replace_word_in_title', 10, 2); function replace_word_in_title($post_title, $post_id) { $post_title = str_replace('OldWord', 'NewWord', $post_title); return $post_title; }
Hiding the title for specific post types
add_filter('the_title', 'hide_title_for_post_type', 10, 2); function hide_title_for_post_type($post_title, $post_id) { $post_type = get_post_type($post_id); if ($post_type == 'custom_post_type') { $post_title = ''; } return $post_title; }