The gform_form_switcher_forms filter allows you to modify the forms displayed in the Form Switcher dropdown in Gravity Forms.
add_filter('gform_form_switcher_forms', 'your_custom_function', 10, 1); function your_custom_function($forms) { // your custom code here return $forms; }
(array): Array containing all forms, sorted by title.
More information
See Gravity Forms Docs: gform_form_switcher_forms
Display First Ten Forms
Limit the Form Switcher dropdown to display only the first ten forms.
add_filter('gform_form_switcher_forms', 'limit_form_switcher_forms', 10, 1); function limit_form_switcher_forms($forms) { return array_splice($forms, 0, 10); }
Exclude a Specific Form
Exclude a specific form by ID from the Form Switcher dropdown.
add_filter('gform_form_switcher_forms', 'exclude_specific_form', 10, 1); function exclude_specific_form($forms) { $form_id_to_exclude = 5; return array_filter($forms, function ($form) use ($form_id_to_exclude) { return $form['id'] != $form_id_to_exclude; }); }
Display Forms by Title Keyword
Display only forms that have a specific keyword in their title.
add_filter('gform_form_switcher_forms', 'filter_forms_by_title_keyword', 10, 1); function filter_forms_by_title_keyword($forms) { $keyword = 'survey'; return array_filter($forms, function ($form) use ($keyword) { return strpos(strtolower($form['title']), strtolower($keyword)) !== false; }); }
Display Forms with a Minimum Number of Fields
Display only forms with a minimum number of fields.
add_filter('gform_form_switcher_forms', 'filter_forms_by_field_count', 10, 1); function filter_forms_by_field_count($forms) { $min_fields = 3; return array_filter($forms, function ($form) use ($min_fields) { return count($form['fields']) >= $min_fields; }); }
Sort Forms by Created Date
Sort forms in the Form Switcher dropdown by their created date.
add_filter('gform_form_switcher_forms', 'sort_forms_by_created_date', 10, 1); function sort_forms_by_created_date($forms) { usort($forms, function ($a, $b) { return strtotime($a['date_created']) - strtotime($b['date_created']); }); return $forms; }